Check out the difference between the title of this article, which is correctly written in AP style, or “These Are the Words You Don’t Capitalize in AP style,” which is not. Most words in a headline: AP style calls for capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns in headlines.However, if you’re speaking directly to Biden and using his title as a form of direct address, it goes uppercase again: “Mr. When writing generically about all presidents, the title should also be lowercase. However, if we refer to “Joe Biden, president of the United States,” it’s lowercase. If you refer to “President Joe Biden,” the title is uppercased as it comes before his name and is understood to be a part of his name. Titles, unless they come before a name: This one’s a bit tricky.However, subjects that are named using proper nouns should always stay that way, like French or Shakespearean literature. Academic subjects: Areas of study like biology, math and literature are all lowercase unless part of a proper name, like the College of Biology.

The rule of thumb in AP style is that things should be lowercased unless a rule indicates that they’re upper. But if you’re following AP style, chances are you’re overusing those big letters. Capitalization looks fancy and makes things seem important.